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Planning Board Minutes 06/15/06

Minutes of the June 15, 2006 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
        Mary Allen                      Scott Burnside                  Bradley Houseworth
        Andrew Robblee          Ed Rowehl                       Brian Sawich
        Paul Vasques                    Kathi Wasserloos

Members Absent:
        Fred Anderson           Bob Edwards                     Mike Genest                     Renee Rabideau          Alex Snow

Public Attendees:
        Michael Butler          Jane Butler

Vice Chairman Sawich convened the meeting at 7:20 PM by appointing Ms. Wasserloos to sit for Mr. Anderson and Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Edwards.  Members reviewed the documentation supplied by the secretary.

Meeting Minutes: Mr. Burnside made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Ms. Allen and passed.

MCT Telecom:  MCT Telecom proposes to install 2 equipment cabinets to provide cable service to the Gregg Lake area on an easement they have on Tax Map 5, Lot 9 owned by Gordon F. Sudsbury III on the north side of Gregg Lake Road.  Mr. Vasques presented a letter sent to MCT Telecom on June 6, 2006 stating that the Antrim Planning Board waived the requirement for a site plan review to install equipment on the easement.  The letter stated that the Board requested that the property owner, Mr. Sudsbury, be notified in writing by MCT Telecom of their plans to install this equipment.

CBS Holdings:  Mr. Vasques presented a letter dated June 13, 2006 from Underwood Engineers, Inc. regarding the revised culvert that NH DES proposed for the Cloud Court Subdivision.  Underwood Engineers, Inc. stated in their letter that they understood the design change but believed that it would be in the best interest of the Town to provide a concrete culvert instead of a corrugated metal arch pipe because the concrete culvert will have a longer design life which would reduce future maintenance costs.  Mr. Burnside mentioned that there are many options available to the Town in terms of design of the culvert and the final design should be resolved between the developers engineer and Underwood engineering.  Mr. Vasques stated that the proposed project is still under conditional approval and not officially approved yet and the best interest of the town should prevail over the cost to the developer.

S.R. Jones Excavation, LLC File #2006-08PB:  Mr. Vasques advised the Board members that, Ms. Rochford, the surveyor for Mr. Jones, had asked to continue their Public Meeting. Mr. Sawich continued the public meeting to 7:30 PM on July 20, 2006.
Michael and Jane Butler File #2006-10PB:  At 7:35 PM Vice Chairman Sawich introduced himself, asked the board members and staff to introduce themselves, and opened the public meeting regarding the request of Michael and Jane Butler for a Change of Use.  Ms. Allen recused herself as she is an abutter.  Mr. Butler explained to the Board members that he proposes to establish and operate a cabinet-making shop to support the remodeling activities of Butler Restorations, LLC.  He has been a master carpenter for the past 28 years and does all kinds of custom work including cabinets.  He will work on site at the clients’ premises if possible, but will also be doing a lot of work on his property and he hauls equipment and materials in a small truck which will be the majority of the traffic in and out of his property.  Mr. Butler further stated that he will be the only employee and that he stores the minimal amount of materials possible on site.  He plans on putting the sawdust in his garden, burning any excess wood that can no longer be used on site, and/or taking what waste that can’t be burned to the Peterborough Landfill/Transfer Station.  Mr. Sawich asked if it was local.  Mr. Butler replied that all his customers were local.  Mr. Vasques asked about work hours and Mr. Butler replied that he plans on working 8 to 10 hour days and that all work will be done behind close doors to limit the amount of noise made.  Mr. Robblee asked if any changes are going to be made to the interior of the building to be used as the cabinet-making shop.  Mr. Butler replied no and explained that when they purchased the property they were looking for buildings that could be used as a shop.

Mr. Vasques stated that there were 4 items on the checklist that were deemed by the planning department as incomplete and advised the board members to review the planning staff’s report which explained that there is sufficient information provided by the applicant to make an informed decision.  Mr. Burnside moved to accept the application of Michael and Jane Butler, File # 2006-10PB, for a Change of Use of property located on 24 Elm Avenue, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 4 Lot 29 located in the Rural District.  The applicant proposes to establish and operate a cabinet-making shop to support the remodeling activities of Butler Restorations, LLC.  Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Ms. Wasserloos – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye.

Vice Chairman Sawich then opened the public hearing and asked if there were any abutters present that wanted to speak for or against the proposed activity.  Ms. Allen stated that she had no problems with this proposal as an abutter.  Mr. Houseworth asked the board members to review the checklist.  After a short discussion amongst themselves and Mr. Butler the board members considered all 4 items satisfied.  In regards to needing a permit for the proposed sign, Mr. Butler stated that his sign is 36 inches around and is less than six square feet.  Mr. Burnside moved to approve the application of Michael and Jane Butler, File # 2006-10PB, for a Change of Use of property located on 24 Elm Avenue, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 4 Lot 29 located in the Rural District.  The applicant proposes to establish and operate a cabinet-making shop to support the remodeling activities of Butler Restorations, LLC.  The following conditions apply to this approval:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated March 23, 2006 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Ms. Wasserloos – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye.

Master Plan: The next meeting of the Master Plan Committee is scheduled for June 20th to discuss the results from the visioning session and discuss how to move forward with the process of updating the Master Plan.

Correspondence:  Mr. Vasques provided the board members with a letter that was sent by the Building Inspector to Kenneth H. and Susan Boucher regarding the enforcement of the sign ordinance.  The letter asked Mr. Boucher to come into Town Hall to get a permit for signs that Mr. Boucher has placed on his property.

Members reviewed a letter from Tim Murphy, Executive Director of the Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC), regarding the resignation of Meredith Cooper from the SWRPC.  Mr. Murphy also stated in this letter that for the immediate term he has assigned Matt Monahan to work with the Antrim Planning Board under the SWRPC’s Planning Board Assistance Program.

Excavation Sites:  Mr. Vasques stated to the board members that now would be a good time to get Spencer Garrett, a civil engineer, to do annual inspections of all excavation sites in town to assure compliance with state and town regulations and ordinances.

Zimmerman /Weston:

Members discussed the fact the Mr. Zimmerman had not provided the information required to obtain an excavation site permit which was request over a year ago. The consensus was that Mr. Vasques would prepare the necessary documentation to place before the Board so that they could formally approve or disapprove the application.

Road Acceptance policy: The Board of Selectmen will decide on June 26, 2006 whether to formally adopt the most recent version of the road acceptance policy.  Furthermore, once this policy has been accepted by the Selectman, the board can adopt it and incorporate it into the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations as an appendix following a public hearing.

Ordinance and Regulations – Proposal to Revise the Application Form:  Members reviewed a proposed application form that will be used for all applications to the Planning Board.  Mr. Vasques explained that there currently were seven different application forms. The initial version of the application form will be amended over time.  Mr. Burnside motioned to accept the proposed revisions of the application form, which was seconded by Ms. Allen.  

Ordinance and Regulations – Proposal to establish a time frame for all Conditional Approvals:  Mr. Houseworth proposed to the board members that the Town of Antrim establish a new regulation (Section IV, C.4) in the “Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations,” in order to create a default, one year time frame, by which all conditional approvals must be met.  The suggested change would read as follows:

“4. Unless otherwise stated, all conditions of approval granted by the Planning Board must be met within one year from the date conditional approval is granted.  Failure to meet this one year deadline by the applicant will result in the approval being deemed null and void.  The applicant may file an application with the Planning Board to extend the deadline for meeting conditions, providing that such filing is received by the Planning staff thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date.”

Ms. Wasserloos moved to accept the establishment of a one year time frame for all conditional approvals, which Mr. Burnside seconded. The motion passed.

Ms. Allen moved to adjourn. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Sawich adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley J. Houseworth, Alternate Secretary
Antrim Planning Board